
We have various models of the instrument but our most popular model is the Rudolph J457 with Smart Measure™ Technology Improves Results!

All 3 models of the J457 Electronic, Digital, Refractometers come with Smart Measure™ Technology that virtually insures accurate Refractive Index (RI) and BRIX, measurements by automatically detecting when the prism is improperly cleaned, insufficient sample is loaded, or if the instrument is improperly calibrated. Various configurations are available for a small footprint, wall mount, or a remote-read factory configuration. All models come with a digital touch screen, and our Dual Temperature Control System utilizing Peltier Technology. Experience has shown that incorrect refractometer measurements are often linked to cross contamination caused by the previous sample being inadvertently mixed with the current sample being measured. Ensuring that the prism surface is properly cleaned between measurements can be difficult for busy environments where multiple operators are involved. Rudolph Research Analytical has solved this problem as well as the related problems an inaccurate measurement can cause.

Smart Measure™ solution:

Automated clean prism monitoring is now integrated in all Rudolph Research J457 Automatic Electronic Refractometers.

Smart Measure™ knows when the Refractometer’s prism is clean. If the prism surface does not produce the correct “Clean Prism” result then Smart Measure™ notifies the operator that further cleaning of the prism is necessary. Smart Measure™ notifies the operator that it is ready to measure after the prism is satisfactorily cleaned. The refractometer is now ready to make an accurate RI or BRIX reading with a verified clean sample well.

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